How to Make Cornstarch Chunks: A Fun and Simple Recipe

Looking for a unique and enjoyable sensory experience? Why not try making your own cornstarch chunks? These fascinating creations are easy to make and provide hours of entertainment for both kids and adults alike. In this article, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of creating cornstarch chunks, while providing helpful tips and ideas for incorporating them into playtime. Let’s dive in and explore the exciting world of cornstarch chunks!

What You’ll Need

To get started, gather the following ingredients and materials:

  1. Cornstarch: 2 cups
  2. Water: 1 cup
  3. Food coloring (optional): a few drops
  4. Mixing bowl
  5. Spoon or whisk
  6. Plastic sheet or tray
  7. Plastic wrap

The Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: Prepare your workspace
Find a clean and spacious area to work in. Lay down a plastic sheet or tray to catch any spills or messes. This will make cleanup much easier afterward.

Step 2: Mix the cornstarch and water
In a mixing bowl, combine the cornstarch and water. Use a spoon or whisk to stir them together until they form a smooth and consistent mixture. If desired, add a few drops of food coloring to create vibrant chunks.

Step 3: Adjust the consistency
Cornstarch chunks should have a unique texture that allows them to be solid when pressure is applied but turn into a liquid when left alone. To achieve this, you may need to adjust the consistency of your mixture. If it’s too runny, add a bit more cornstarch. If it’s too thick, add a little water at a time until you reach the desired texture.

Step 4: Let the mixture rest
Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and let it sit for about 30 minutes. This resting period allows the cornstarch to absorb the water fully and enhances the chunky texture.

Step 5: Mold and shape your chunks
Once the mixture has rested, it’s time to get creative! Use your hands to scoop out portions of the mixture and shape them into chunks. You can make small bite-sized chunks or larger ones for a more substantial sensory experience.

Step 6: Explore and play
Now that your cornstarch chunks are ready, it’s time to have some fun! Explore the unique properties of the chunks by squeezing them, rolling them between your hands, or watching them melt away when left undisturbed. The possibilities are endless!

Tips and Ideas for Cornstarch Chunk Playtime

  1. Sensory bins: Fill a large container with cornstarch chunks and let your child dive in! Add in some scoops, molds, and other utensils for added playtime possibilities.
  2. Color mixing: Create cornstarch chunks in different colors and encourage your child to mix and blend them together. This activity is not only visually stimulating but also teaches basic color theory.
  3. Hide and seek: Bury small toys or objects within a batch of cornstarch chunks and challenge your child to find them. This game promotes sensory exploration and problem-solving skills.
  4. Science experiments: Use cornstarch chunks to demonstrate scientific concepts such as states of matter or viscosity. Watch as the chunks transform from solid to liquid and discuss the science behind it.

Cleaning up and Storing Cornstarch Chunks

Once you’ve finished playing with your cornstarch chunks, it’s time to clean up. Scoop any remaining chunks into a trash bag and dispose of them. The cornstarch residue left on surfaces can be wiped away with a damp cloth.

If you want to save your cornstarch chunks for future play, store them in an airtight container or sealable bag. They should be stored in a cool, dry place to maintain their texture and freshness.


Making cornstarch chunks is a fantastic way to engage your senses and unleash your creativity. With just a few simple ingredients and some imagination, you can create a fascinating sensory experience for yourself or your children. So go ahead, give it a try, and enjoy the endless possibilities of cornstarch chunk playtime!

Remember to always supervise young children during playtime and have fun exploring the unique properties of these mesmerizing creations.

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